

The Kit Contains:

The complete 1-caliber kit comes in a secure padded case and includes handle assembly, 2 sets of jaws (1 neck and 1 head), attachment screws, and 1 Allen wrench.

Additional jaws may be purchased separately.

Calibers Available:

a17 Rem FB
204 Ruger
222 Rem
223 Rem
22 BR
22-250 Rem
6 BR
243 Win
257 Roberts
6.8 Spc
30 BR
308 Win

Brass Grippers™ Features:

The unique quick open/close handle assembly lets you load and unload hundreds of cases per hour.

With gentle ambidextrous use and very slight grip pressure to firmly hold the case, you won’t have sore fingers or hands, even after hundreds of case preparations.

Only one hand is required to activate the handle assembly to load or unload with a sensitive hold that enables the user to feel the case cleaning action.

With interchangeable case jaws that are machined with standard chamber reamers, there is absolutely no marring or case distortion, regardless of grip pressure.

Brass Grippers™ works with dry or lubed cases and so there is no need to clean lube from the cases after resizing.

The jaws are color anodized and laser marked with caliber description. Changing them is a simple 1-minute operation.

ORDER Download the fillable PDF and email or fax you order.

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Phone: (855) 873-5681
Fax: (760) 603-9629
E-mail: sales@brassgripper.com

2380 Camino Vida Roble Bldg. K
Carlsbad, CA 92011